Sunday, November 8, 2015

No Somos Inmigrantes en Nuestro Propio Continente

The first time the phrase was presented in the context of Summits of Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples was in 2007 at the closing ceremonies of the III Continental Summit Abya Yala held in Iximche, Guatemala.

"No Somos Inmigrantes en Nuestro propio continente!" was a rallying call repeated at the opening ceremonies of the IV Continental Summit Abya Yala in Puno, Peru in 2009;

In 2010, in a Continental Encuentro de Pueblos Originarios y Afrodescendientes organized in Mexico City the phrase was included in the final declaration, in the section which also addressed AZ SB1070.

"El repudio a la ley SB 10 70 de Arizona EE.UU, por su carácter racista, discriminatorio, violatorio, antimigrante e inhumano.  Los Pueblos Indígenas de Abya Yala, no somos inmigrantes en nuestro propio continente."

At the V Summit held in Cauca Colombia in 2013 the phrase was once again brought forward by Tupak Huehuecoyotl during one of the plenary sessions.

The principle invoked in the phrase is now well established a norm of the continental indigenous movement in confronting the Human Rights violations perpetrated upon the Nations of Indigenous Peoples by so called "immigration" policies of the settler states of the Americas and their international borders.

COLONIALISM: Zero Tolerance 

June 28, 2018 - Today, this morning in the dawn's early light, standing before the Northwest Detention Center at Tacoma, Washington in the Traditional Territories of the Nisqually Nation, a commission of Indigenous Peoples presented themselves in the spirit of ceremony and self-determination.

Standing before the gates of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement ICE detention center, which is run by the for-profit Geo Group, the call was made to the families inside the compound, families of the thousands of children who have been separated from their mothers and fathers over the past month since the ICE pogrom of persecution called "Zero Tolerance" by US Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Today the sea of emergence crested in power and prayer, and the tide turned. 

Embassy of Indigenous Peoples

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